School Readiness
Ensure your child gets the best possible start to their school career
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What Schools Say
Christina's school readiness sessions are invaluable in preparing children for a classroom environment. The use of music and song, as opposed to an adult monologue, instantly and effortlessly draws the children in. In a short space of time, Christina is able to give the children the opportunity of experiencing how to behave appropriately in a small group and how to listen attentively. The children also give their attention to what others are doing by waiting for their turn, unknowingly developing their social skills, respect for others and a sense of self-awareness. All of these skills are primary objectives in the Early Years curriculum.
- EH (teacher)
The value of the parent session is not just informational, but a great opportunity to highlight the importance of acknowledging and preparing for the emotional roller-coaster of starting school; not only for the children, but also for the parents themselves!
The session facilitates the beginning of a conversation between parents in which they can identify thoughts and fears that some may not want to voice. They are able to ask questions of both professionals and fellow mums and can take away practical tips and strategies to help prepare their children for a smooth transition into school life. It certainly seems as if parents walk away with a calmer, more reassured state of mind than they came with.
- EF (teacher)
What Parents Say
School readiness = parent readiness! My daughter was always going to be ok, it was me that had the anxiety and I'm an experienced early years teacher! Starting school is a big deal and this session helped alleviate any concerns. Ava enjoyed the hands on session and said it was just like preschool but better. She also got to meet some future school friends. I found it useful meeting other parents, let's face it, the playground can be daunting! The session was fun, interactive, hands-on. Furthermore, it equipped you with the knowledge and skills to guide your child smoothly to the transition of big school. The ladies that ran it were experienced and well connected. This is a must for all parents and children beginning the reception year.
- SF (Parent)
“Thank you also much for your helpful suggestions last week. I'm pleased to report that Jake's first two days at school, have gone without tears… Or at least no tears at drop-off! We made two of the photo timetables, and he really enjoys telling me what we need to do next. It seems to been a great way to focus his mind in a positive way, and for that Im ever so grateful”.
- Parent
What Professionals Say
Both as a mummy and a paediatrician, I had mixed feelings about my eldest son starting school. Excited to see him grow and learn and eager to see what school would bring him; but also anxious to see my little man enter the real world and desperate to protect him. For me, early years learning should be all about exploring, becoming physically and emotionally confident and about making friends in a new environment. The school readiness session really allayed some of my concerns and was a lovely opportunity to meet other mums and professionals who could advise on getting through those early days and weeks.
- JL (Paediatrician)
‘School readiness is a phrase used a lot and can be misinterpreted to mean knowing numbers or being able to write, but what is vital, is supporting a child’s confidence, emotional intelligences and independence so that they are ready to take on further learning once they get to school. Christina & Lucia’s School readiness programme is hugely important as a means for support, not only for children but their parents/carers alike to prepare them for the new journey onto school in a fun and holistic way’
- Jamie Victoria -'The Childcare Guru'